Monday, February 7, 2011


Hello! I'm Jess Aswall. I'm 18 years old and in my second semester at FCC. My major is in general studies because I have not decided what I want to do with my life. I have changed my mind several times about my life career and I cannot stick with an idea for more than 5 minutes. I've gone from the idea of being a veterinarian to being a pharmacist to being a photographer. I am taking a wide variety of classes to find out what interests me the most, hoping to decide what path to go on by the end of my FCC career.

I work at a local grocery store as a cashier. The grocery store is like a second home to me due to the fact that I am always there and I am friends with just about everyone that works there. When I'm not working or not at school, I'm usually found sitting on my couch multitasking. I have mastered the art of multitasking pretty well. I can text, Facebook, watch tv, do homework, play computer games, and talk on the phone all at the same time. I also like to play video games in my spare time. My favorites include Bayonetta, Kingdom Hearts, Left 4 Dead, and Super Smash Bros.

I am a very outgoing person and I enjoy meeting new people. I'm not afraid to embarass myself or stand out in a crowd. I like colorful things to match my colorful personality. I like to wear very colorful clothes matched with very colorful and bright shoes. My favorite person in the world is Lady Gaga. Mainly because she has opened the door to all the outcasts and showed that you should not be afraid of who you are. She tells people to live life to fullest and to not let people bring you down. I try to live my life by her advice by being happy every day and speaking loud so that my voice will be heard. I do not want to fade into the crowd.


  1. Hey Jess.
    You probably don't remember, but I was in Girl Scout's with you a very long time ago.... haha good times.

    Anyway, nice blog! I like the font. And Lady Gaga is insane, but fun. She's never boring thats for sure! And yes, I like how she accepts people for who they are, thats so important. The anticipation is building for what her new single will sound like, I'm sure it will be good, but leave it to her to keep us on our toes.
